Tadmor Zambia Online believes that you should be aware of why and what information we collect when you visit our Website. We value our relationship with you and the data you share with us on a regular basis. We are always committed to keeping this information confidential.
We store your computer’s IP address through the use of cookies. This is used to support our customer’s identity, only if you have activated blocking technology available in some browsers. We also may combine your IP with other information you provide us like your e-mail address. You provide this information when you send us an email, fill out a registration form, answer a product review, complete a fulfillment order, or sign up for a site newsletter. We will take all reasonable precautions to keep the details of your order and payment secure, but unless we are negligent we cannot be held liable for any losses caused by unauthorized access to information provided by you.

We intend to use the Information only for the purposes of fulfilling our obligations under any offer, sale, and purchase contract or any other contract between You and Us.% Lorem Ipsum has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, which makes it appear like readable English. Lorem Ipsum is now used as the default model text in many desktop publishing packages and web page editors, and a search for lorem ipsum will reveal many still in their infancy websites. %We will occasionally ask Your opinions about our products or services that have been released yet.

Please refrain from using the Website if you are against your Information being transferred or used as described above.

We ask for your information as Tadmor Zambia Online registers users so that we can offer you our various products and/or services. Your records and information as outlined above (collectively referred to as the “Information”) will only be kept in our database and will be treated confidentially by us. Any information our clients choose to share with us will be kept secure and confidential at all times. We will restrict access to that Information to only those employees who have been given permission and have received training on how to handle customer information properly.

When you register or make a purchase with Radian Online, we would be using the information to serve you better. Below is a list of the information we store: • Name and contact details • Transaction history • Communications record Tadmor Zambia Online, on your acceptance, will send regular communication via e-mail or SMS, with the intention of keeping you updated with the latest progress on your order/delivery/status or marketing promotional offers. If you would like to correct, update or delete the Information stored in our database, or if you would like to stop receiving marketing materials, emails, or newsletters from us, simply unsubscribe or feel free to contact us to have us do that for you.

Please be aware that, if there are any, third-party websites that are linked to or from our website, our company is not liable for the collection, disclosure, and/or use of any personal information you provide to those websites. You solely assume all risks associated with accessing such a linked website and providing personal information there.

Visa and Master Card are accepted on the Tadmor Zambia Online website. Radian Online will acquire card transactions through vetted, trusted payment gateways. Secure Socket Layer 3 (SSL3), the strictest type of encryption is used by our payment gateways. Tadmor Zambia Online does not store any sensitive credit card or debit card information from your purchases; instead, CyberSource, a Visa Inc. subsidiary, handles all transactions through our secure payment gateway.